Sunday, January 5, 2014

Is it too late to make New Year's resolutions?

I was blogwalking today when it dawned on me that I didn't make any resolutions this year! I would say "New year, new me!" but that's cliché and it never works out the way you want it to. So instead of taking the easy and redundant way out, I decided to break down my "new year, new me" project down into more specific terms:

1. Dye my hair.
This one's a little iffy for me. I love my natural hair color. I always have, and that's what's kept me from ever dying or coloring my hair in my 18 years of living. I decided that I needed to take this semester to discover myself. It's time for a change. I wanted to dye sections of my hair peacock colors, or maybe even dye my hair a light pinor an icy blue but unfortunately I have to make sure my hair color is "socially acceptable," so my acceptable options are blonde or Ariana Grande red

*edit: I am dying my hair blonde this Saturday! I will eventually dye the tips pink.
**edit: Just kidding, I'm not dying my hair pink, as much as I would like to. 😭

2. Wear cuter clothes and do my makeup every day.
If you know me,  a good majority of my wardrobe is sweatpants and black t-shirts. I decided I need to quit carrying myself around like a homeless college student and make myself presentable. That means putting colorful clothes in my wardrobe and actually wearing girly clothes that flatter my figure! As for the makeup, I don't plan to paint my face on every day. Just enough to enhance my features.

3. Take better care of myself.
This one is a huge deal for me. I have very low self-esteem and I've been dealing with depression for a few years, so I think it's time I treat myself with a little more respect. I'm going to take more bubble baths, paint my nails more often, and get up every morning and compliment my reflection. I'm going to learn how to properly style my hair and makeup, eat healthier foods, and do more what makes me happy.

4. Get healthy.
I would normally say "go on a diet" or "lose weight" for this resolution, but I realized you can be skinny but not healthy. I'm going to exercise more, eat my Wheaties, tone the muscles in my body, and get to a weight I can be confident about my body with it would be nice to be able to fit in my dress for the Red Carnation Ball again, too. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise can't be that hard, right?

5. Manage my money better.
See Champagne taste on a beer budget.

6. Become a more professional blog.
I recently hit 1,000 visits on my blog (yay!), but I still want to increase my blog's audience. There isn't really something I can do anything about except for being active and interacting with other bloggers a lot.

7. Stop relying on others for my happiness.
This one is pretty self-explanatory.

8. Get closer with God.
Again, self-explanatory. I need to learn how to cope with certain people and situations better.

9. Knock my grades out of the park!
I can do it, but I have little to no motivation! From now on, school comes first.

1 comment:

Purple Ink said...

Get started!

You are challenged!