1. Don't go into your first semester dead set on your major. You will more than likely change it.
2. Your first year of college will go by faster than you think.
3. Never, ever, EVER use box dye.
4. If you dress up excessively for your classes, you will be made fun of.
5. However, this is not a free pass to dress like you're homeless every day.
6. You will hate your roommate(s) after the end of the second semester. It doesn't matter if you were friends before.
7. Getting piercings or tattoos done in a small town is a very bad idea (especially if you get it done at your friend's apartment for free like an ex boyfriend I wish I never dated did).
8. People who constantly brag about getting drunk or high are people you don't need in your life.
9. Even if you deleted it, that Facebook post is stuck on the Internet forever and could come back to haunt you.
10. Don't rush into anything your first semester.
11. Frat boys are pretty to look at, but they are not boyfriend material.
12. Most college boys in general are not boyfriend material.
13. Despite everyone you went to high school with getting engaged, most people in college don't even consider marriage until after they've graduated and have a degree.
14. The friends you went into your first semester with probably won't be your friends by the end of the second semester.
15. Classes can be retaken, and it's not the end of the world if you fail a test.
16. Order water at restaurants and tip your waiter generously (most of them are broke college kids, too).
17. Your school's cafeteria will save you from starvation, but nothing can save you from the food.
18. Since their salary comes from your tuition, it is your professor's job to help you as much as they can. Don't be afraid to ask them for help or extra credit.
19. Don't let anyone else define your self-worth.
20. People will talk. Let them, but act in a manner that will make everyone disbelieve what is said about you.
21. What Susie says about Sally says more about Susie than it does about Sally.
22. Other people are not against you, they are just looking out for themselves.
23. Social media stalking is a hobby that you'll spend a lot of time doing with your friends.
24. "Dress well, test well" actually works.
25. Go to church. Eat healthy, work out, and do whatever it takes to take care of yourself. You'll feel a lot better.
26. There is nothing wrong with using the university's counseling services.
27. Procrastination, especially when dead week and finals are around the corner, will make you hate yourself.
28. Even if you don't like him, give him a chance. Let him take you on a date. Enjoy the free meal/movie.
29. Being lonely doesn't mean you're alone, and vice versa.
30. Call your parents often. You'll miss them more than you think.
31. Take lots of pictures.
32. Think about about what you say and post before it leaves your thoughts.
33. You're going to meet tons of people who are just like you.
34. Don't forget to have the time of your life.
35. Transferring schools doesn't mean "goodbye," it means "see you later."
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