I have no idea if any of y'all were involved in the recent "snowpocalypse," but I live in Central Louisiana. We had not one, but two snow days in the past week! It snowed on the 23rd and the 28th, so naturally, the entire state of Louisiana fell apart. Classes were cancelled last Friday and on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures during the first snow day because my cellphone was ultimately destroyed. Thankfully, I am going to Shreveport to get it fixed this weekend.
On Tuesday, however, my friend Ashley needed to take some snow day pictures for her photography class! I was pretty happy with the results. These are my personal favorites:↓
RANT: After living with someone else for over a semester, I now understand my mother's frustration with me when I was too lazy to clean up after myself. I love my roommate and I understand that she's going to have her friends over like I have mine, but please, for the love of God, I wish she would pick up after herself for once. A mountain of dirty dishes in the sink is bad enough, but it's even worse when my roommate won't even throw away her trash. I finally broke down and threw all her trash away and put even more of her dirty dishes in the sink to wash, but the dorm is still disgusting. There are crumbs all over the carpet and there are sticky spots from God knows what all over the counter and furniture. I used to tolerate it, but now it's really starting to make me mad. I am not her mother, nor am I her maid. I just wish she would pick up after herself for once.
Rant over.